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Church Account

If you are under 18 and reside with one of your parents that has a church account: 

Otherwise, follow these steps: 

  1. Navigate to
  2. If the Membership Record Number (MRN) is displayed on the page, then this account is connected to a church record. Connect this account to your BYU account (see the section below). 
  3. If there is no Membership Record Number, you can try to enter yours in along with your birth date. Your Membership Record Number can be found on your temple recommend or by asking your ward clerk. 
  4. If the MRN connects successfully, connect this account to your BYU account (see the section below). 
  5. If you receive a message that the MRN is already connected to another account or you are still having difficulty accessing the church account connected to your MRN, please contact the Global Service Center for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to recover the username connected to your MRN. They can be reached by calling 855-537-4357. 

Connecting a Church Account to your BYU Account: 

  1. Navigate to
  2. Click the “Add Account” button. 
  3. Select “Connect with Church Account” and follow the instructions. 
  4. If you are successful, your Church Account will be listed under the “Linked Accounts” section. If you have any difficulties with this process, please contact BYU’s technology support at 801-422-4000 and ask for help to connect a Church Account to your BYU Account. 

Still having a problem?

If you have successfully connected your church account with your MRN but are still unable to pull in your church data in the BYU admissions application, you can try the following steps:

  1. Verify that your date of birth is accurate in the application. If not, please correct it and click the "Save and Continue" button.
  2. Try reconnecting your church account by clicking the following link: This will disconnect and reconnect your church account to your BYU account.
  3. If these steps do not resolve the issue, contact us so we can look into the issue further.