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The transfer application for fall 2025 is open!

BYU seeks to develop students of faith, intellect, and character who have the skills and the desire to continue learning and to serve others throughout their lives.

Here are a few things to keep in mind as you begin your BYU admission application:

  • Start early! You will likely need some recommendations or documentation from other sources that take time.
    • Send your college transcripts for credits you have completed to BYU right away so they will be processed in time to complete your application.
    • Make sure any ACT or SAT test scores you would like considered are sent directly to BYU.
  • The only way for us to get to know you is for you to complete all of the requirements in the application.
  • Become familiar with our holistic review process.
  • Remember the deadlines.

You can view past applications from fall 2024 and before here.