Feeling financially prepared can help set you up to succeed in college and in life. You can use these resources to help pay for college.
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Career Services
Career Services is a great place for when you are exploring careers and what it will take to get there.
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Dean of Students Office
The Dean of Students Office can help international students who have financial hardship explore the option of using their $4,000 deposit to pay for schooling.
Financial Fitness has tips on sticking to a budget while buying textbooks, shopping for groceries, choosing housing, and more. Schedule an appointment with Financial Fitness to discuss a spending plan, loan management, and setting financial goals.
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Food and Housing Insecurity
If you are experiencing food and/or housing insecurity, you are not alone and there are resources available. Visit foodandhousinginsecurity.byu.edu for more information.
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Marriage & Financial Aid Workshop
The Marriage & Financial Aid Workshop helps students be sure they are getting the most federal financial aid possible after getting married.
Our Paying for College videos share some of the options you have to pay for college.
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Student Employment
Y Jobs has lots of on campus student employment opportunities. Plus, the added benefit of working on campus is that you don't need to travel far to get to work — making it easier to squeeze work hours in between classes.
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Undocu-Student Support Services
Undocu-Student Support Services provides information about financial resources for undocumented students, including DACA students.