BYU receives its highest number of applicants since expanding its application requirements six years ago Skip to main content

BYU receives its highest number of applicants since expanding its application requirements six years ago

BYU's incoming 2025 class will be entering the university at a historic time. President Shane Reese told the students in his opening devotional address that the coming year will be a time of commemoration as BYU celebrates its sesquicentennial.

At this historic time, BYU will be welcoming one of its largest freshman classes. The number of applications submitted this year continues to climb, with the university seeing the highest number since moving to a rigorous, holistic application process in 2018.

This year the university has received nearly 13,500 applications. Applicants will be notified of their acceptance in mid-February.

BYU Enrollment Services has explained that all applications go through a holistic review, meaning everything in the application is considered.

"In this, our sesquicentennial year, the year we celebrate the beginning of the second half of our second century," said President Reese, "we will work tirelessly to become the Christ-centered, prophetically-directed university that President Spencer W. Kimball prophesied about nearly 50 years ago at the celebration of our 100th year as a university."

As BYU approaches this milestone in our history, President Reese continued, “we want to focus on the light that you all share as we look forward to this next chapter of BYU by saying: ‘that light groweth brighter and brighter’—‘that all may be edified of all.’ Now YOU—each of you within the sound of my voice—are all the ‘brilliant stars’ that President Kimball talked about in this second century, and we look forward to the ways you will share YOUR light as we celebrate our 150th.”