Kennedy's Story Skip to main content

Kennedy's Story

"When I didn't get in [to BYU] the first time, I thought that was it; it felt like my last chance to go to BYU...."

Kennedy is a first-generation college student; neither of her parents attended college but they encouraged her to get an education. After she was denied from BYU, Kennedy thought that she would never have the chance to study at BYU. But, she attended BYU-Idaho, where she worked hard, applied to BYU again, and got accepted.

“Applying to a university can be daunting, especially if your parents did not attend a university. Seek out help when you need to. Contact professors, teaching assistants, and advisors. Take inventory of your mental health. Reach out to family and friends for support. You are not alone on this journey."

Kennedy is now a senior at BYU pursuing her education in neuroscience and sociology. She plans to apply for medical school and become a doctor.