Discover the different ways to prepare for your college education
Although the cost of attendance at BYU is much lower than many public and private universities, paying for school can still be challenging. Fortunately, there are many programs and resources to help you pay for your school expenses. For many students, it is often some combination of work, savings, scholarships and other resources, and careful spending that makes it possible to afford a university education.
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Can I afford to attend BYU?
Yes. You will find that in addition to your best efforts, there are many available resources to assist you with your college expenses. Counselors are also available to help you find financial support and make informed decisions. Once admitted, we will make every effort to help you succeed.
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Is my family expected to help me pay for school?
Students and parents should expect to contribute a reasonable amount toward their own college expenses, where possible. Some financial aid programs will assess the student and parent’s ability to contribute to your education. Even so, the cost of a college education is beyond the reach of many families. In these instances, financial aid is made available to help the student pay for educational expenses.
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Can I pay for school and stay out of debt?
It depends. In some cases, the accumulated value of scholarships, grants, savings, and part-time income may be sufficient to pay college expenses, and avoid any borrowing. There are times, however, when it could be strategically appropriate to borrow money to pay for school. Before borrowing, you should do all you can to adjust your lifestyle, reduce expenditures, and be sure to not borrow any more than is truly necessary.
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Should I work part-time during my enrollment?
Some students choose to not work when they first come to the university, to focus on their transition to college, and doing well academically. Part-time work, however, can help you to both pay for school and prepare for a future career. As much as possible, in addition to pay, look for employment that is associated with your major, and future career aspirations. On-campus, you are permitted to work a maximum of 20 hours/week. Generally, most students can work this much and still perform well academically.
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What expenses will I need to plan for?
Basic college expenses include tuition, books and supplies, housing and food (includes rent, utilities, grocery/food), transportation expenses to campus and work, and loan fees (if you borrow federal student loans). These costs are calculated each year and included in your estimated Cost of Attendance, which is used determine your eligibility if you apply for federal aid. Some one-time, and less frequent expenses may also include the purchase of a laptop and needed furnishings for your living arrangement.