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Eating Well on a Tight Budget

It is possible keep yourself AND your wallet healthy and full! It is important to do both of those things, especially in college. As you use this time to prepare for the future, you need nutrients to keep your mind clear to optimize your learning and retention, and let's face it: Ramen just doesn't do the trick every day. Here are some great recipes that can help you keep your body and bank account happy:

Good and Cheap Cookbook

Good and Cheap is another great book for healthy recipes, capping off at around $4 each day. It's another quick-and-easy resource for starving students on a tight budget!

Cooking Tutorials

BYU Dietetics interns created the following videos are easy-to-follow tutorials for recipes in this cookbook:

Black Bean Sweet Potato Chili (BYU Recipes)
Black Bean Quesadilla (BYU Recipes)
Quick and Easy Chicken Alfredo (BYU Recipes)
Mushroom Chicken Lettuce Wraps (BYU Recipes)
Two Gourmet Grilled Cheeses (BYU Recipes)
Delicious Fried Rice (BYU Recipes)
Southwest Eggs and Toast (BYU Recipes)
Southwest Skillet (BYU Recipes)