Transportation Alternatives
In some situations, such as enrollment at college -it may not be necessary to actually own a car. More to the point, it would be helpful to have "occasional access" to a car. The cost of ownership, vs the cost of access is significant and dramatic. A student bearing the cost of car ownership may struggle to avoid student loan debt. A student who can manage 90-95% of the time without a car, and then have occasional use of a car (private car rental service A/A?) could dramatically reduce their transportation expense, as one component of their budget.
Transportation Alternatives
If you don't already own a car, finding alternative transportation can seem costly and time-consuming. However, there are bound to be occasions in the semester for which you can't just walk or use your bicycle. Below are some ideas for further transportation alternatives available to you here at BYU.
The Ryde
BYU offers a free campus shuttle service known as "The Ryde." The Ryde reaches many locations and apartment complexes surrounding the university and arrives right in the middle of campus. Click here
UTA Student Bus Pass
Live too far from campus to make it to the Ryde every morning? The Utah Transit Authority (UTA) bus system offers free passes to university students