Unofficial Withdrawal (Stop Attending Without Withdrawing) Skip to main content

Unofficial Withdrawal (Stop Attending Without Withdrawing)

Failing to earn a passing grade in at least one class (receiving a 0.00 GPA) during a semester/term is known as an unofficial withdrawal.

If you do an unofficial withdrawal, the Financial Aid Office must document that you began attendance in:

  • Every class that counted toward your Pell Grant (except for ‘I’ grades).
  • At least once class if you only received federal loan funds.


  • Document a last date of attendance from the class you attended the longest.

How Documentation is Collected

You, the student, are not responsible for providing the requested documentation. The Financial Aid Office contacts professors and verifies participation in classes through the various learning management systems on campus (i.e. Learning Suite).

What Happens to your Federal Financial Aid?

Depending on whether or not you attended all of your classes and the documented last date of attendance, none, some, or all of your federal financial aid may be canceled. You are responsible to repay any canceled amounts.

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