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Returning Home From a Mission

If you've just returned from a mission, you may be wondering what to do to ensure your financial stability as you readjust to college life.

Congratulations! If you've just returned from a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, you may be wondering what to do to ensure your financial stability as you readjust to college life. Here are some steps you can take to keep you moving forward:

  • There are several things you need to take care of to facilitate your smooth transition back into life at BYU.  A great source to help you in those efforts is Returning Missionary Checklist, which you should review and complete as soon as possible.
  • Don't forget to fill out the FAFSA and apply for Federal Financial Aid.
  • Apply for all the scholarships that you can. There are many scholarships available to you; don't miss out on any you could qualify for!  
  • Make sure you find housing that is right for you and fast! Great, inexpensive housing goes quickly.
  • Don't forget to create and follow your own financial plan.
  • Now may be the perfect time to start building credit if you haven't already. Click here to learn what you can do now to begin.
  • Keep your budget mobile with money-saving apps.
  • For smart spending tips, including creative ways to save on dates, click here.

This is not a comprehensive list; however, these are some things you can do to start resettling your college finances.