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A Concerned Parent

Learn about your financial role in the life of your student.

Attendance Costs: What You Need to Know

Each year, BYU releases a statement that estimates the general cost of attendance for the average BYU student for the upcoming school year. This estimate will not be exact for every student, seeing as each student comes from a very different situation, and there are many ways to save money if you get creative.

Guest Access

We strongly encourage you to speak with your son or daughter about granting you Guest Access to his/her BYU student account. This is vital to the success of any interactions you may have with your son's or daughter's account, such as adding funds, paying for books, registering for classes while he or she is on a mission, and other informational questions you may have. Go to the Guest Access page and follow the steps outlined there.

Financial Aid: What You Need to Know

There are many things you and your child should know before, during, and after applying for financial aid and scholarships. Visit the checklist for Federal Financial Aid to better help your son or daughter pay for his or her education.

The Importance of Building Credit Wisely

One vital aspect of financial planning for your college student that is often overlooked is building credit responsibly. Click here for a step-by-step guide from SimpleDollar to help you secure your college student's credit future.

Parent of a Missionary

If your child is currently serving or about to serve a full-time mission, congratulations! This is a wonderful time during which he or she will learn, grow, and serve many people. Follow this checklist to help you complete the necessary steps so that your child can return to BYU with ease following his or her mission.

Insurance for Your Child

Entering college is a big transition for most students and their families. You'll want to make sure that you and your child are prepared for any unexpected costs or risks as you make this change. Click here for an insightful article from the Insurance Information Institute, a highly trusted resource, to help you decide what kinds of insurance are right for your child at this time.