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Newly Admitted

Welcome to BYU!

Congratulations! This is a very exciting time when you start deciding how you'll live the rest of your life. To help keep you from feeling too overwhelmed, here is a list of important things to take care of.

  • Visit the New Freshman Checklist: This checklist contains several things you need to take care of as a new BYU student before you can begin other important processes, such as financial aid applications, etc. Complete this list as soon as you can.
  • Apply for the FAFSA and other financial aid and scholarships: Some helpful resources to get started at are the Financial Aid Checklist and the Financial Aid Office.
  • Make sure you follow the correct process for class registration: Make sure you register correctly for a class. If you register for the wrong classes, your graduation may be prolonged, and college could cost more than you originally planned.
  • Find the cost of attendance for the coming school year and create a spending plan: Read our page about how to financially plan in six easy steps. There are also great apps that can help you keep everything organized.
  • Find a bank that works for you: Make sure you take the time to discuss this decision with your parent or guardian and do plenty of research on the bank's out-of-state policies (if you are from another state), ATM availability, overdraft policies, ATM fees, etc.
  • Get creative about saving money: As you plan monthly costs, do some research to help you make informed decisions regarding your lifestyle and ways you can keep costs down in college by smart spending.