Please remember that this is a list of recommendations, not requirements! All of our recommendations stem from the Aims of a BYU education. We are looking for applicants who demonstrate in their application, that they value these same things.
BYU Specific Recommendations
Follow the example of Jesus Christ by striving to keep his commandments and doing your best to live the standards of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
In order to increase your faith in Jesus Christ and His restored gospel, participate in and graduate from seminary when possible. After high school, attend institute of religion classes.
Take the most rigorous courses available to you in which you can be successful. For example:
Keep in mind that the grades and credit you earn will always be on your college transcript
Honors classes
Take the ACT/SAT if you feel that it will strengthen your application - we will use your highest composite score.* If you take one standardized test, and do not do well, we recommend taking the other. The tests are different, so you may do better on one than the other.
Get involved in extracurricular activities that are meaningful to you; develop your specific talents.
Arts (Music, Art, Theater, Dance)
Church (Any Denomination)
Community (Military, Clubs, Student Government, Politics)
Humanities (Language, Writing, Speech)
STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math)
Plan to provide specific examples of how you have contributed to your community in meaningful ways as you write your application essays.
NOTE: Most applicants will not be required to submit a standardized test score to be considered for admission to BYU through winter 2027. Applicants may choose to submit a test score if they feel it would strengthen their application; however, applicants who do not submit a test score will not be at a disadvantage.