Recommendations Skip to main content

The admission application requires a few different recommendations (listed below). It is your responsibility to work with your high school teachers, seminary teachers, and other recommenders to ensure that their recommendations get submitted in time.

Recommendations are completed through the application with a provided form. Only recommendations asked for and submitted using the application form will be accepted or considered for admission purposes. Any additional recommendations will not be considered, made part of an application, or kept.

Recommendation Types

Seminary Recommendation

If required, you will request a recommendation from your most recent seminary instructor.

High School Teacher Recommendation

The high school teacher recommendation can be completed by anyone that taught a class that counted towards the completion of either a math, English, science, or social science requirement in your junior or senior year. You will need to supply their email address in your application.

Other Recommendation

This recommendation can be anyone that knows you well that is not a relative. You will need to supply their email address in your application.

Recommendation Form

For the seminary, high school teacher, and other recommendations, we will send your recommender an email with a link to a form to be completed. The form asks the recommender to rate you on items like the following:

  • Resolves concerns without parental intervention
  • Demonstrates integrity, trustworthy, fulfills commitments
  • Makes it safe for fellow students to participate in class and share observations
  • Demonstrates that attending and participating in seminary is a high priority (seminary recommender only)
  • Demonstrates that studying the gospel is a high priority (seminary recommender only)
  • Assignments are high quality and turned in on time; larger assignments are well-planned and not thrown together at the last minute (high school recommender only)
  • Problem solving ability; sound thinking (high school recommender only)
  • Proactively seeks help when facing a challenge (other and high school recommenders only)
  • Sets and achieves challenging goals (other recommender only)

We also provide space for a brief open-ended response:

  • Is there anything else we should know about the applicant? (seminary recommender only)
  • Based on how you rated the applicant, please share a time you have observed this applicant setting and achieving a challenging goal? Be specific. (other recommender only)
  • What evidence do you see of the applicant challenging themselves academically? Be specific. (high school recommender only)