Former & Continuing Student Scholarships
Continuing Student Academic Criteria
The fall 2025/winter 2026 Continuing Student Academic Scholarship consideration is based on a student completing at least 12 BYU credit hours as a Daytime Continuing Student by the end of fall 2024 semester. Former Students are considered Continuing Students as long as they have completed at least 12 credits of regular BYU coursework. Continuing and Former Students must complete the scholarship application by the appropriate deadline to be considered for scholarships.
If you have earned the 12 credits and completed a Mission Deferment form, you will automatically be considered for an academic scholarship for the semester you return. You are not required to submit a new scholarship application while on your mission unless you want to be considered for additional scholarships.
The BYU cumulative GPA (does not include transfer work) must meet the cutoff for a scholarship to be awarded. Cutoffs are determined by ranking students in their colleges and awarding scholarships until there are no more funds. If a major is not declared by the February 1 deadline, you will be evaluated with other 'open major' students.
Cutoffs vary from year to year. Continuing Student academic criteria are determined at the beginning of the awarding process and, therefore, cannot be published in advance.
Departing/Returning Missionaries
Fall and winter scholarships awarded to you before you depart for your mission will be deferred until your return.
To apply for Continuing Student academic scholarships before your mission, you must complete 12 credits at BYU by the February 1 application deadline. To be considered for these scholarships after your mission, you must have completed 12 credits. However, your Mission Deferment will count as your Continuing Student Academic Scholarship for the year you return. You are not required to submit a new scholarship application when you return, but we recommend that you do so, including essays, to increase the number of scholarships for which you can be considered.