Spring/Summer Financial Aid Skip to main content

Spring/Summer Financial Aid

Federal financial aid is available during spring/summer, but it is administered a little differently. Please also note that the repercussions of dropping classes during spring/summer can be more harsh.

Federal aid is available for spring/summer through the following circumstances:

  • You have remaining Pell and/or loan eligibility left over from fall/winter; and/or
  • You are eligible for the additional spring/summer Pell Grant with at least 0.5 credits of enrollment (see ‘Additional Spring/Summer Pell Grant’ below).

Spring/summer federal aid is automatically posted to your account if you are eligible. You must be enrolled in order to be awarded. Check My Aid Dashboard for details of your financial aid.

Dropping Summer Classes Warning

If you receive a Pell Grant for both spring and summer terms, dropping your classes can result in paying back Pell Grant depending on the timing.

Dropping All Summer Classes

If you drop all of your summer classes BEFORE the end of spring term, you will pay back all of your summer Pell Grant.

If you drop all of your summer classes AFTER spring term ends, you will pay back all of your summer Pell Grant AND some of your spring Pell Grant as well.

Amounts & Disbursement

There are three periods of enrollment during spring and summer:

Financial aid amounts are based on the combined enrollment of spring, spring-through-summer, and summer classes (loans require at least half-time, 6.0 credits undergrad and 4.5 grad).


Disbursement Timing - When aid posts to the student account

Census Date - Add/Drop Deadline used to determine pell eligibility

Spring OnlyBeginning of Spring TermSpring Add/Drop Deadline
Spring through SummerBeginning of Spring TermSpring Add/Drop Deadline
Spring & SummerBeginning of Spring TermSummer Add/Drop Deadline
Summer OnlyBeginning of Summer TermSummer Add/Drop Deadline

NOTE: Loans are not subject to a census date. Classes can be added to reach half-time enrollment at any point during spring/summer to become eligible for a Direct Loan.

Additional Spring/Summer Pell Grant

An undergraduate student can receive up to an additional 50% of their Annual Scheduled Pell Award during the spring and summer terms, depending on their enrollment level. You must be enrolled in at least 0.5 financial aid-eligible credits between spring and summer to be eligible for an additional Pell amount (12.0 total credits for the maximum amount). The additional award supplements any remaining eligibility from fall/winter, it does not replace it. A student who already received 150% Pell prior to spring/summer would not be eligible for this additional Pell amount.

Please keep in mind that each 0.5 credit you enroll in will adjust the Pell Grant amount you can receive, up until the applicable add/drop date. It is expected that all credits for which Pell is awarded will be completed. Credits that are not successfully completed (e.g., E and W grades) may lead to a reduction or cancellation of Pell, depending on proof of participation and timing of disbursement.

The maximum Pell you may receive during your college career is 600%, or roughly 12 semesters. The additional spring/summer Pell Grant counts toward your aggregate total (150% is used for an academic year if enrolled full-time during fall and winter semester and spring/summer terms).