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Challenge Exams

Some university requirements can be fulfilled through Exemption or Challenge Exams. Challenge Exams carry credit and a grade, while Exemption Exams only fill a requirement.


You can earn credit through a challenge examination by meeting the following conditions:

  • You are currently enrolled OR have completed a BYU course, excluding those through Independent Study.
  • You are not currently suspended from BYU.
  • You have not graduated.
    • If you are a graduate student, you may challenge credit specific to your graduate program.

NOTE: Although you may request to challenge courses for credit, individual departments determine whether or not an examination exists and/or will be offered.

Request an Exam View Exam Status

Language Exams

Many language departments require registration in a specific course in order to take their challenge exam. Please contact the appropriate department before requesting to challenge language credit.

If you have never been a BYU student, or if you would like to test for a less commonly taught language, please contact the FLATS department.


  1. Click on the button above to request an exam through the Challenge Exam website.
  2. Follow the instructions in the email you receive once your request is approved by the department. The instructions will provided contact information to set up the exam.
  3. Take the exam.
  4. Wait for an email confirming your grade is ready. You will be directed to the Challenge Exam website to accept or decline the grade. Note that exam credit will not appear on your transcript until other BYU credit has posted. Once other BYU credit posts, your exam credit will automatically post within one week.
  5. You may also click the View Exam button above to see the status of your exam at any time. 

IMPORTANT: You must accept challenge exam credit within one year of the date the exam is graded.


For information about the dean/department chair procedure for challenge exams, see Challenge Exams for Departments.