There has been a calculation error in computing the grade.
The wrong grade was posted to the grade roll.
To change a “T” grade (work in progress).
To post a grade if no grade was submitted (NS).
To reassess a grade that had no work completed after the deadline.
You should contact your instructor if an incorrect grade was posted. Please note:
Your instructor(s) will not change a previous grade to a “W” (Official Withdrawal) for any reason.
If you had a nonacademic emergency, you should file apetitionfor withdrawal.
You may also work with your instructor on anIncomplete contractto finish your work beyond the semester or term.
You can repeat any class if it or a similar class still exists.
For classes repeated beginning Fall Semester 2011: Your grades from all of your enrollments in a class count toward your grade point average (GPA) and total credit hours.
For classes repeated prior to Fall Semester 2011: Your grade from the most recent enrollment in a class (except for R-suffix courses) counts toward your grade point average (GPA) and total credit hours.
Students often want to know how classes are evaluated and GPA’s are calculated. To learn more, visit the university policy website.
Grading Scale: There is no official university grading scale (e.g. 92-100 A, 89-91 A-, etc.). Individual departments may have a specified scale that instructors use.
Class Drops: If a student drops a class by the add/drop deadline, the permanent record will not show any registration for that class.
Earned and Graded Credits: BYU keeps a record of whether or not grades are earned and graded. Earned credits count toward graduation and graded credits are calculated into your GPA.