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Final Exams

Review the official policies on final exams so you know what to expect.

Instructor Final Exam Schedule

Note: Instructors may also access their final exam schedule from the Instructor Schedule page in AIM.


Exam Preparation Days and the Final Examination Period are to be protected for their intended purposes. No other activities or events will be scheduled on campus, and any review sessions during this time must be voluntary.

  • Scheduled final examinations must adhere to the Final Examination Schedule date and time.
    • Any exception to this policy must be authorized by the chair and dean.
  • Finals are not to be given or taken early.
  • Second-term class examinations will be given at the time shown in the schedule.
  • First-term examinations will be given during the last regular class period.

If illness or other uncontrollable circumstances prevent the taking of an examination at the scheduled time:

  • The student is responsible to inform the class instructor as soon as possible.
  • The instructor my give the grade Incomplete, depending on the circumstances.
    • The Incomplete cannot be given unless the student and instructor prepare a contractual agreement.

Note to students: If you have conflicting examinations or three or more examinations scheduled in one day, your instructor can work with you to arrange an alternative test time.

Note to faculty: If the system assigns the same exam time for two of your day classes, contact Enrollment Services.

For evening classes, contact Evening Classes at (801) 422-2873.

Salt Lake Center Final Exams

Final exams for BYU Salt Lake Center classes are held as follows:

  • Regular Class Time: Final exams for BYU Salt Lake Center classes are generally held at the regular class time for each class during the final exam period.
  • Testing Center: In some cases, exams may be scheduled by the instructor in the BYU Salt Lake Testing Center.
  • Winter Semester Adjustments: During winter semester, final exams for Thursday classes will be moved to Saturdays. This avoids conflict with graduation exercises.
  • Fall Semester Adjustments: In the fall semester, final exams for Friday classes will be moved to avoid conflict with an exam preparation day.

If a conflict arises between the exam schedule of a Provo and a Salt Lake Center final exam, the student must speak with the instructor as soon as possible to make other arrangements at the Salt Lake Center.