Withdrawing From One vs All Classes Skip to main content

Withdrawing From One vs All Classes

Withdrawing From One Class

Withdrawing From All Classes

What is it?Dropping some individual classes (not all).Dropping ALL classes (no longer enrolled for the current semester).
How do I do it?After the Add/Drop Deadline, withdraw on MyMAP.After the Add/Drop Deadline, you must submit an online request to withdraw from all classes.
When is the deadline?

The 12th week of the semester or 6th week of the term (see current deadline here).

You may qualify for an exception to the deadline, depending on your circumstances.

What will it show on my transcript?"W" grade. (W's are a neutral grade that is not calculated in your GPA.)"W" grades and a withdraw date after the Add/Drop Deadline through the Withdraw Deadline. (W's are a neutral grade that is not calculated in your GPA.)
Are there any fees or refunds?No fee is charged. Pro-rated tuition charges may apply, according to the Tuition Refund Schedule.No fee is charged. Pro-rated tuition charges will apply, according to the Tuition Refund Schedule.
What happens to my financial aid? (Pell, Direct Loans)You may have to pay back federal aid. Meet with an Enrollment Services Counselor to discuss your situation.
What happens to my scholarship(s)?If you withdraw below your scholarship credit requirement, you will lose your scholarship for the semester/term and may need to pay pro-rated tuition charges. See Scholarship Eligibility for more information.You will lose the scholarship for the semester/term and must pay pro-rated tuition charges. See Scholarship Eligibility for more information.
Does it affect my future ability to get financial aid or scholarships?

It could affect your Satisfactory Academic Progress completion percentage.

It does not affect future scholarships.

Can pro-rated tuition charges be petitioned?Yes. If there are extenuating circumstances, you can file a Pro-Rated Tuition Exception petition with Financial Services.
Does it affect my admission status?No, unless you must be enrolled full-time and you withdraw below full-time (e.g., international students).

Yes. You must reapply to BYU if you drop ALL classes before the Add/Drop Deadline of your first semester or your first semester back after your mission.

You can take a Leave of Absence and not lose your admission status. Attending at least one semester/term within an academic year will maintain continuing status and registration eligibility for the next academic year.

Meet with an Enrollment Services Counselor to discuss your situation.

Does it affect my on-campus housing?Yes, if you withdraw below 9 credits (undergraduates).Yes. You will have to cancel your contract and petition for any refunds.
Does it affect my on-campus employment?Yes, if you withdraw below 6 credits.Yes. Your employment will be terminated after you withdraw from all classes.