Full Withdrawal (Withdrawing from a Semester/Term) Skip to main content

Full Withdrawal (Withdrawing from a Semester/Term)

Full Withdrawal is formally withdrawing from all classes in a semester or term. Learn the terms and consequences of a full withdrawal here.

Full Withdrawal is defined as withdrawing from ALL classes for the current semester or term and means you are no longer considered to be currently enrolled for that semester.

  • Leave of Absence occurs when you do not register for any classes, or drop all registered classes by the add/drop deadline of a semester or term (i.e., term 1, term 2, or semester-length).
  • You cannot take a leave of absence the first semester you’re admitted.
  • An undergraduate student cannot miss an entire academic year and continue at BYU without reapplying.

As long as you attend at least one semester or term within an academic year (see deferring enrollment for more info), you will maintain continuing status and registration eligibility for the next academic year.

Newly admitted students (new freshman, transfer, and former students) who take a leave of absence in the semester/term they were admitted will lose their admission status and will need to reapply to attend a future semester. Contact Enrollment Services for readmission assistance.

For more information about withdrawal policies, please visit the academic catalog.

  • Before withdrawing from all classes, it's important to understand the differences between this and withdrawing from individual classes. Check out our comparison table here.
    • Newly Admitted Students: If you drop all classes before the add/drop deadline in your first semester or term, it is considered a leave of absence and you will lose your admission status.
    • Continuing Students: You must attend at least one term/semester during an academic year (i.e. Fall 2023 – Summer 2024) to maintain registration eligibility for the following year.  If you fully withdraw after the add/drop deadline, the university will consider it as attendance, and you retain future eligibility. For more details, review the deferring enrollment page. 
    • Missionary Considerations: If you fully withdraw and then leave on a mission, meet with a BYU Enrollment Services Counselor to discuss your situation. Also, review the Missionary Checklist to ensure everything is in order before you leave.
    • International Students: Typically, you not allowed to drop below 12 credits during a semester. Contact the International Student and Scholar Services Office (801-422-2695) to verify your eligibility for a full withdraw.
  • Tuition charges or refunds are pro-rated according to the date of your full withdrawal and the percentage outlined in the Tuition Refund Chart. If you received scholarships or financial aid, you may be required to pay some or all of the aid back, and you may not receive a personal refund. If your withdrawal results in losing eligibility for aid, you will be responsible for any prorated tuition charges according to your withdrawal date. See Financial Aid for more information.

    Tuition Refund Chart

    See the Tuition Refund chart here.

    If you have further questions, please contact Enrollment Services.
  • If extenuating circumstances, such as medical reasons, require you to drop all your classes, you can submit a Pro-Rated Tuition Exception form*. You must include any relevant documentation, such as a doctor’s note, with your petition. While the committee rarely removes charges entirely, they may approve a reduction.

    Approved petitions usually reduce the pro-rated tuition to 15% of the original amount. If you are already being charged at this rate, further reductions are unlikely.

    Submit the form to Student Financial Services in A-153 ASB.

    *If using Mozilla Firefox, download the form first to enable interactive features.
  • On-Campus Housing

    • To be eligible for on-campus housing as an undergraduate, you must be registered for at least 9 credits per semester (fall and winter), and at least 4 credits per term (spring and summer).
    • Graduate students must be enrolled in at least 2 credits per semester or term.
    If you withdraw or drop below the required credits, contact your hall advisor for information on canceling your contract.

    Visit the On-Campus Housing website for the official policy.

    Off-Campus Housing

    Withdrawing from classes may affect your eligibility to live in BYU contracted housing. Contact the Off-Campus Housing Office at 801-422-1513 or visit them in C-141 ASB to discuss your situation.
  • To be eligible for on-campus employment during the Fall and Winter semesters, undergraduate students must be enrolled in at least 6 credits each semester. If you drop below the required credit hours, you will no longer be eligible for student employment and will be terminated. Note that the minimum credit requirements for graduate students and international students differ.

    Contact Student Employment (801-422-3562) for additional information regarding employment eligibility.
  • If you are enrolled in the Student Health Plan, a full withdrawal could impact your eligibility for continued coverage. Depending upon when you withdraw during the semester, you may be required to pay private rates for any services previously received from the Health Center.

    Before making the decision to fully withdraw, it's crucial to understand the potential consequences. Please contact the Student Health Plan Office directly (801-422-2661) for more information.